Cannabidiol, whose acronym is CBD, is known for its relaxing, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Many people use this molecule to reduce their anxiety, to fight against pain, or to improve sleep. But the e-liquids Are CBD effective against insomnia? By what mechanism does CBD allow to sleep better? What level of CBD should you choose to reduce sleep disorders? We will discover here all there is to know about the relationship between e-liquids CBD and sleep.
What are the origins of sleep disorders?
A very large majority of the population is affected one day or another by insomnia problems, whose consequences on daily life can be disabling. Indeed, sleeping poorly can lead to mood swings, intense physical fatigue, a decrease in the efficiency of the immune system, chronic pain, a diminished capacity to work, or even deteriorate relationships with loved ones or colleagues. The causes of these sleep disorders can be multiple. First of all, we must distinguish between 2 types of insomnia, which are occasional insomnia and chronic insomnia.
Occasional insomnia is most often due to high stress, in relation to a traumatic event in our lives. The ups and downs of life, whether professional or private, can be the source of anxiety, and make it difficult to fall asleep. On the other hand, certain punctual pains, linked to injuries, can also diminish the quality of sleep because people who suffer from them wake up several times a night. Fortunately, most individuals suffering from occasional insomnia see their sleep return to normal after a while. However, it is important to note that occasional insomnia can develop into chronic insomnia.
Chronic insomnia, on the other hand, is much more complex and can have disastrous consequences, so much so that it often requires medical treatment. Chronic insomnia most often originates from psychopathological disorders or from a very strong anxiety, which causes rumination (the fact of cogitating at bedtime). Chronic insomnia can be divided into 2 groups, primary insomnia and secondary insomnia.
Primary insomnia occurs when falling asleep seems difficult or impossible. Anxiety and stress are the main causes, as well as certain psychopathological disorders. Secondary insomnia is the cause of multiple awakenings during the night, which spoil the rest. Most often it is diseases such as hyperthyroidism, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, overactive bladder, or sleep apnea that are at the origin.
Today, more and more people suffering from sleep disorders are turning to CBD e-liquids for better sleep.
How does CBD e-liquid affect sleep?
The CBD e-liquids are vaping products that contain a certain amount of cannabidiol. But by what mechanism do these products act on anxiety and pain, which are the main causes of sleep disorders?
In the case of anxiety disorders, the process is known. First of all, it is important to know that human beings have an endocannabinoid system, a set of molecules and receptors, which plays an important role in the regulation of several vital functions such as sleep, digestion, temperature, mood, motor functions...
We are going to look at the regulation of pleasure. This is determined by a neurotransmitter, anandamide, also called the happiness hormone. The more anandamide we have in our body, the happier and more relaxed we feel. The concentration of this neurotransmitter is controlled by an enzyme, FAAH. This is where CBD e-liquids come into play. Indeed, the cannabidiol they contain prevents the enzyme FAAH to be effective, which results in increasing the amount of anandamide in our system. This is the origin of the feeling of well-being that consumers of CBD e-liquids feel. People whose cause of insomnia is anxiety can therefore use CBD e-liquids to fall asleep much more easily.
Although the pain-relieving effects of CBD are proven, scientists do not yet know the exact process by which CBD affects our perception of pain. Many people with diseases such as osteoarthritis or fibromyalgia, which generate chronic pain, consume CBD e-liquids, which allows them to suffer less and not to wake up during the night.
Finally, inflammation, which is an immune reaction, can cause pain that prevents us from sleeping properly. CBD has recognized anti-inflammatory properties, whose mechanism of action is currently poorly understood. More and more sportsmen are now using CBD e-liquids to lessen the effects due to inflammation.
E-liquid CBD for insomnia: what rate to choose?
CBD e-liquids are available with different concentrations of CBD. So what rate should you choose to fight against insomnia?
To reduce anxiety, a low or medium level of CBD is most often sufficient to help insomniacs sleep better. It is then necessary to opt for a CBD e-liquid containing between 100mg and 300mg of cannabidiol.
For very strong pain and anxiety, a higher concentration is required. Usually, you should consume e-liquids with a minimum cannabidiol content of 500mg. We advise you, however, if you suffer from chronic pain related to an illness, to consult a health professional who will be able to guide you to a precise dosage, or inform you about possible contraindications.
A question that often comes up is when to consume the CBD e-liquids to improve sleep ? The CBD contained in these products is assimilated very quickly by the body. So use them about 15 minutes before going to bed and you will find sleep very easily. If you are awakened in the middle of the night, and you decide to vapourize your CBD e-liquid, then its effect will be felt there too in a few minutes.
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