When to change the cartridge of your electronic cigarette?
In France, 3 million French smokers are smokers of the electronic cigarette. This figure shows that the e-cigarette has considerably invaded the market of tobacco consumption and by ricochet, that of nicotine. However, it should be noted that once you are an e-smoker, your electronic cigarette will necessarily need some maintenance. In particular its cartridge that must be changed regularly for a better vape experience.
The e-cigarette: what is it really?
The e-cigarette is an electronic device that produces vapor to be inhaled. Unlike the traditional tobacco cigarette and according to several studies conducted on the e-cigarette, this vaping equipment is less harmful to health. Better still, the electronic cigarette offers a wide range of choices in terms of flavors. You can choose the taste or aroma of the tobacco you want to vapourize. For some e-cigarettes, you have modes to customize them to the maximum according to your desires. The device, once activated, heats the e-liquid to turn into steam has inhaled.
What is the use of the electronic cigarette?
The electronic cigarette is a good alternative for smokers who want to stop using the classic tobacco cigarette which contains nicotine. Unlike the latter, the electronic cigarette, whether with or without nicotine, is much less dangerous to health. It was designed to protect consumers from nicotine addiction. It is strongly recommended to smokers of tobacco cigarettes who wish to free themselves from this addiction. Other products known to be carcinogenic are also considerably reduced in the e-cigarette.
What is the electronic cigarette made of?
In general, the device of the electronic cigarette consists of :
- a cylinder that can be stainless steel or plastic. This cylinder called clearomizer is actually the cartridge. The latter contains a wick soaked in a solution called e-liquid,
- an atomizer,
- a drip tip,
- a battery,
- a light-emitting diode (for some models).
There is also the resistor which determines the power and plays a key role in the operation of an electronic cigarette device. The electronic cigarette device is also composed of resistive wires and a coil.
When should you change the cartridge of your e-cigarette?
The cartridge is the container of e-liquid in the e-cigarette. It is this liquid that will be heated by the resistor, then transformed into steam before being inhaled by vaping through the dip trip. The cartridge is one of the most important components of your e-cigarette because all other components of the device will depend on it. Best of all, it will give you a better vaping experience when it's running on power.
Its capacity is to be adapted to the smoker according to the frequency with which he inhales the vapor that the cigarette produces. After each vaping, the liquid contained in this box or tank will inevitably decrease until it is completely exhausted. However, there are replacement cartridges to remedy this problem. They are sold in a specialized store in the same way as other products and accessories and are adapted to the cigarettes according to their marks.
Generally, you can wait 2 or even 3 weeks to change the cartridge of your electronic cigarette. However, this time may vary depending on the quality and quantity of the liquid. This change also depends on whether you are a heavy smoker or not. You can change the cartridge of your electronic cigarette as soon as you feel a loss of power and of the usual flavor during vaping. You can also change the cartridge when the sweet or fruity taste of your liquid has given way to a burnt taste.
Why should you change the cartridge of your e-cigarette?
Changing the cartridge or tank of your electronic cigarette is important for several reasons. Among other things, this change will avoid the inconvenience of the burnt taste when the cartridge is out of order. The change also allows you to have a good power and a good density of steam during the vapotage. As far as your health is concerned, changing the cartridge regularly preserves it and allows you to have an excellent vaping experience.
The cartridge of your electronic cigarette is one of the key parts of the system that constitutes the cigarette. Therefore, its maintenance is mandatory and must be regular and rigorous.
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