The electronic cigarette is now part of the life of many people. In fact, many use it every day, and prefer it to the traditional cigarettes certainly more harmful.
The market for electronic cigarettes has therefore developed considerably in recent years, and with it also that of the products directly related to it, such as liquids and flavors.
In addition, you now have easy access to the best vaping products and vape liquids. For this, Vapokaz is a vape blog who will delight you with his selection.
It is, indeed, possible to buy the best flavors, as well as the electronic cigarettes themselves, both on online stores and in physical stores. However, what has always divided the public is the benefits of electronic cigarettes and their actual effect on the human body.
Classic cigarette and electronic cigarette
In fact, if we know very well what are the terrible health effects of traditional cigarettes, we know much less about the effects of electronic cigarettes on our body.
These products are relatively new and their long-term effects are not yet known.
Despite this, many studies have been conducted on these electronic cigarettes and the liquids they contain. By combining all these results, experts have therefore been able to draw initial estimates and forecasts that seem rather positive.
So let's see why it is good to switch to the electronic cigarette and what are its real benefits.
Why prefer the electronic cigarette to the traditional?
Generally, you choose to switch to the electronic cigarette over the traditional cigarette because you want to quit smoking.
It is precisely for this reason that we usually choose, for the first time, the electronic cigarette that most resembles the traditional cigarette in its form and use.
Indeed, the psychological factor is also very important in overcoming the addiction to cigarettes and maintaining the gestures helps to make the transition less traumatic.
The real benefits start to be seen when the smoker switches from the dual form, that is the period when he smokes electronic cigarettes, but also traditional, to the electronic cigarette only. A positive factor is also the economic factor.
Indeed, if it is true that the initial cost of the electronic cigarette kit is much higher than that of a pack of traditional cigarettes, but its maintenance is much cheaper.
A single charge is in fact equivalent to several packs of cigarettes in terms of nicotine content and therefore in theory has a much longer duration than these. As for the other components, these also have a duration of several months, so the economic advantage is obvious.
The beneficial effects of the electronic cigarette
What many people notice within the first few weeks of switching to electronic cigarettes compared to traditional cigarettes is a marked improvement in breathing capacity. The throat is immediately much less inflamed and the dryness caused by smoking and burning also seems to disappear very quickly.
Many heavy smokers usually complain of a heaviness in the chest and severe irritation of the lungs. Both of these sensations gradually fade away when you switch to using an electronic cigarette, and as a result subjects will have much more breath and their physical performance will also be positively affected.
In addition to these initial and early positive effects of electronic cigarettes, there are also longer term effects. Firstly, a lower production sputum and mucusThese are typical in long-term smokers due to changes in lung tissue.
In addition, we have an almost total recovery of taste and smell, which are usually impaired in smokers. For all these reasons, those who switch to electronic cigarettes will tend to smoke fewer and fewer traditional cigarettes, to the point of eliminating them altogether since the benefits outweigh what may be the initial nicotine withdrawal syndrome.
And, speaking of that abstinence, it can be addressed by choosing lower and lower amounts of nicotine in e-liquids of vapotage. We start from the formulations richest in nicotine, until eliminating it completely, thus facilitating the cessation of smoking.
The opinion of the scientific community on electronic cigarettes
We already mentioned at the beginning that the long term effects cannot be predicted yet, because the electronic cigarette is a fairly new product. What is known is that the devastating effects of traditional cigarettes and tobacco are to be forgotten when it comes to electronic cigarettes.
Therefore, the scientific community is currently leaning towards a positive judgment regarding electronic cigarettes. These are not considered the best definitive solution to overcome nicotine addictions, but it is certainly an excellent alternative to the harms of smoking.
The amount of harmful substances that are released into the body by the vapor of electronic cigarettes is certainly much lower than those released with the smoke of traditional cigarettes, whether direct or passive.
Some substances may be irritating to some more sensitive people, but these are so few in number that they are almost irrelevant.
Therefore, from all of this, we can deduce that if you want to quit smoking, it may be wise to buy an electronic cigarette.
For those who would like to have access to more in-depth scientific information and data, these can be easily found on dedicated websites.
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